Record Grading Company Business Cards and PowerPoint Slides
The top two images are the front (left) and the back (right) of the business card I designed for the CEO of the comapny.  I think the back came out very well, but the front could use a little work on the upper half. 
The bottom two images are power point slides I designed based on the logo that I was working with.  While simple, I think they're really solid and will hold up for years to come.
These images were based on this weird mantra I thought of in the shower, and then made into some stuff.  I really like some of the variations of type I made in the third image, because I usually stick to using fonts at their face value. 
(Also about the bottom of the third image: it was a soundcloud comment and I put my screen name where the artist was.  It's funny I like it a lot.)
Balance Patch Stream Overlay Mockups
These images are mockups for a Twitch stream overlay for the fighting game tournaments that are ran weekly at Balance Patch Game Lounge in Boston, MA. I think that they are really solid, and should be used on the stream.  I was kind of ghosted by my client, so I never got a chance to have these on stream at all sadly.
UPDATE: I made them on my own and put them on the stream anyways. It looks good.
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