These are official! Shinjuku Liberation is on soundcloud/bandcamp, and WDYE is on Spotify/soundcloud/bandcamp.
Photo taken by me on a Canon Powershot A95.  Type also by me. Fun little experiment.
[Archy Marshall - A New Place 2 Drown] Album Cover Redesign
This is a redesign of an existing album cover.  While I like the original album cover, and feel like it does the music justice, I wanted to make something that reflected my feelings about the album and what it is trying to say.
[Flying Lotus - Demo '06] Album Cover
This was a project where I created an album cover for an album without an official cover. I wanted to make everything seem like it came out of a High-Schooler's notebook. Cover Art Battle 5/18/20
For this cover art battle, participants are given 2 hours to make an album cover based on the sample image that is given out (left).  I tried to make something between a stamp and street art, and was pretty satisfied with the results.  If I found a good picture of a wall, or some urban setting and made this look like it was spray painted onto the wall, it would have been a lot cooler.  I got around 25 votes in the end. Cover Art Battle 5/25/20
This cover art battle was the same structure as before, but with a different sample image.  I wanted to make the jukebox, sun, and flowers as clear as possible since the original image is really low resolution.  I ended up isolating each piece, and then image traced them to give them a different look.  Overall, I think this piece is a little empty, and could use less white space, and more color. I ended up with about 25 votes on this one as well.
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